The theory of the Shadow“The meeting with oneself is, at first, the meeting with one’s own shadow. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light…Jan 31Jan 31
at what cost do we earn salvationat what cost does the holy become holy, how much blood is spilled and bathed in to be worthy of a heaven we have not seen.Jan 12Jan 12
chapter one: sacrificeThe thing about sacrifice is that it is never enough, blood will ask for more blood.Dec 30, 2024Dec 30, 2024
Interlude; if these hands could talk they would ask you whyI watch the night grow darker stretching its arms as it yawns a cold breeze, forcing the lovers sitting apart to press into each other, &…Dec 21, 2024Dec 21, 2024
untitled 2: what is a poet with no teethclenched fist but broken knuckles, who you fooling mother fucker.Dec 8, 2024Dec 8, 2024